Key Takeaways:

  • India currently allows the import of dogs but has strict regulations to ensure safety and prevent the spread of diseases.
  • Key regulations include a valid health certificate, rabies vaccination, microchip requirement, import permit, and possible quarantine.
  • Certain dog breeds are restricted for import into India, and tax responsibilities may apply. Proper planning and compliance are essential for a smooth relocation.

Understanding India’s Pet Import Regulations

Are you considering bringing your furry friend with you to India? As the world becomes increasingly mobile, many pet owners find themselves facing the complexities of international pet travel. One question that often arises is, “Is dog import to India banned?” Let’s delve into the current state of India’s regulations on importing dogs and other pets, so you can prepare for a smooth and rule-compliant relocation.

Current Status on Dog Import to India

As of now, India has not instituted a ban on the import of dogs. However, pet owners seeking to bring their dogs into the country must adhere to stringent regulations established by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade and the Animal Quarantine and Certification Service (AQCS). These rules are in place to prevent the spread of exotic diseases and ensure the health and safety of both the imported animals and the country’s native fauna.

Key Regulations for Importing Dogs into India

To successfully import your dog into India, you’ll need to follow these key regulations:

  • Valid Health Certificate: Your pet must have a health certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian from the originating country, stating the pet is free from any infectious diseases and fit for travel.
  • Rabies Vaccination: Dogs must be vaccinated against rabies at least 30 days, but no more than 12 months, before entering India.
  • Microchip Requirement: It is required for dogs to have an ISO 11784/11785 compliant 15-digit pet microchip. This helps in identifying your dog upon arrival.
  • Import Permit: Obtain an import permit from the AQCS, which involves submitting the necessary documents before your travel.
  • Quarantine: Upon arrival, your dog may be subject to a minimum of 14 days quarantine, based on the AQCS’s discretion.


For the official guidelines and application forms for importing pets into India, you should refer to the AQCS website and the Directorate General of Foreign Trade.

Restricted Breeds

India has specific restrictions on the import of certain dog breeds, primarily for commercial or breeding purposes. Make sure your dog does not belong to the breeds which are typically prohibited or restricted.

Traveling With Your Dog to India

When traveling to India with your dog, plan every aspect of your journey well in advance. It’s essential not only to comply with all regulations but also to ensure your dog’s comfort and safety throughout the trip.

Tax Responsibilities When Importing a Dog to India

Importing a dog to India may entail certain tax implications. Depending on the circumstances of your import, you may be required to pay duties and other fees. To understand the full extent of your tax obligations, check with India’s Customs Department or consult with a tax advisor familiar with pet import regulations.

Clearing Customs

Upon arrival, clearing customs is another crucial step. Be prepared to present all required documentation as outlined by the Indian Customs regulations. Delays can be expected if the documentation is incomplete or if quarantine is deemed necessary by the authorities.

Preparing for a Hassle-Free Move

Relocating with pets can be a daunting task. To ensure a hassle-free move:

  • Start the process early and familiarize yourself with the latest Indian pet import regulations.
  • Ensure all documentation and health certifications are in order and comply with Indian standards.
  • Consider hiring a professional pet relocation service for assistance navigating the complex process.

Moving internationally with a dog requires thoughtful planning and strict compliance with regulations. Fortunately, as of this writing, there is no blanket ban on importing dogs to India. However, be diligent in understanding and following all rules—this preparation will help make your transition to India with your furry friend as smooth as possible.

Still Got Questions? Read Below to Know More:

“I’ve heard about Indian street dogs sometimes carrying diseases. Are there any additional vaccinations recommended for my dog before we move to Hyderabad

Certainly, when moving to a new city such as Hyderabad with your dog, it’s important to consider the local health risks, especially from diseases that street dogs may carry. To safeguard your pet, in addition to the standard vaccinations such as those against rabies, distemper, parvovirus, and hepatitis, there are some additional vaccinations and preventive measures you may want to consider:

  1. Leptospirosis Vaccine: Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that can be found in water and soil, especially in tropical areas like Hyderabad. The vaccine for leptospirosis is often recommended for dogs in such environments.

  2. Canine Coronavirus Vaccine: While not always a core vaccine, in areas where the canine coronavirus is prevalent or if there’s a heightened risk, this vaccination might be prescribed by your vet.

  3. Anti-Parasite Treatments: Besides vaccinations, preventive treatments against fleas, ticks, and heartworm should be administered, as these parasites are common and can transmit diseases.

It is best to consult a local vet upon arrival to get tailored advice for your dog. The vet can provide specific recommendations based on the local disease prevalence and your dog’s health status. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, operated under the Animal Welfare Board of India, is an authoritative guideline provider for pet care,

“Ensuring your pet’s vaccinations are up-to-date is crucial when relocating, particularly to areas where they may come into contact with other animals whose vaccination status is unknown.”

For the most current and region-specific advice, you can also refer to resources like the Kennel Club of India or local animal welfare organizations like the Blue Cross of Hyderabad. Here is the link to the Blue Cross of Hyderabad, which offers valuable resources for pet owners: Blue Cross of Hyderabad. Always ensure your pet’s immunizations are tailored to their specific needs and your veterinarian’s recommendations.

“Is there a list of pet-friendly airlines I can review for my flight to India with my German Shepherd

Certainly! When traveling to India with your German Shepherd, it’s important to choose an airline that can safely accommodate your pet. While specific airline policies can change, here’s a list of pet-friendly airlines that have historically allowed pets on their flights to India:

  1. Air India – Air India permits the transport of pets on their flights, under certain conditions. They allow pets, such as dogs, cats, and birds, provided they’re properly crated and have all the necessary health documents. You should contact them directly for the latest information on pet travel.
    Air India Pet Policy

  2. Lufthansa – Lufthansa is known for being pet-friendly and allows you to bring your German Shepherd either in the cabin (if it meets size and weight restrictions) or in the cargo hold as excess luggage. They have special arrangements for larger pets like your German Shepherd to travel safely.
    Lufthansa Pet Policy

  3. Emirates – Emirates allows pets to be transported as cargo. They have a special program called Emirates Pets to ensure the animal’s comfort throughout the journey.
    Emirates Pet Policy

Remember, it’s vital to check the airline’s current pet policy as rules may change. You’ll need to ensure you have all the necessary health certifications and meet the import requirements for pets in India. This typically includes having an up-to-date rabies vaccination and obtaining a NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the Animal Quarantine and Certification Services in India prior to your arrival.

“Traveling with pets requires careful planning. Always check the latest airline policies on pet travel and the pet import regulations for India well in advance of your flight.”

For specific details on India’s pet import regulations, refer to the Animal Quarantine and Certification Service website. It’s always best to prepare and understand all the requirements beforehand to ensure a smooth and stress-free journey for you and your German Shepherd.

“I’m moving to Bangalore with my Beagle next month. How early should I start the pet import permit application

Welcome to Bangalore with your Beagle friend! It’s great that you’re planning ahead for the move. When you’re relocating to India with a pet, it’s advisable to start the pet import permit application process well in advance. Ideally, you should begin at least one month before your travel date. This window allows sufficient time for gathering all the necessary documents and fulfilling health requirements which might include vaccinations, health certificates, and other formalities.

The pet import permit you require can be obtained from the Quarantine Officer at the point of entry where you intend to land. You will need to provide proof of your Beagle’s rabies vaccination, a health certificate from a licensed vet, and your pet’s travel details. Remember, the rabies vaccination should be administered at least 30 days before arrival in India but not more than a year.

To ensure you have the most accurate and updated information, refer to the official website of the Animal Quarantine and Certification Services (AQCS) in India:

Make sure to go through their guidelines thoroughly and adhere to all the norms to ensure a smooth transition for your Beagle into India. Good luck, and I hope you both enjoy your new adventure in Bangalore!

“I’ll be relocating from the US to Mumbai with my cat. What specific steps do I need to take to ensure she can be with me in India without issues

Relocating from the US to Mumbai with your cat involves some crucial steps you need to follow to ensure a smooth transition and compliance with the legal requirements of India. Firstly, your cat will need to be microchipped with an ISO 11784/11785 compliant 15 digit pet microchip. If your pet’s microchip is not ISO compliant, you can bring your own microchip scanner. Next, your cat should be vaccinated against rabies at least 30 days, but not more than 12 months, before entering India. Ensure that you carry the vaccination record attesting to the rabies vaccination.

Additionally, “you will need a health certificate for your cat issued by a licensed veterinarian in the US. This certificate should clearly state that your pet is in good health and free of parasites.” Document it within 7 days of travel. The DGFT (Directorate General of Foreign Trade) requires an import license for all pets entering India, which must be applied for in advance. To apply for the license, visit the DGFT’s official website ( Upon arrival in India, this import license needs to be presented to the customs authorities.

Finally, remember to notify the airline with which you are travelling well in advance. Most airlines require a ‘fit to fly’ certificate and often have specific pet travel guidelines which must be adhered to. For internal flights within India, pets are typically allowed in the cabin or as excess luggage in a pressurized hold depending on the airline policy. Do check with the airline for specific regulations. Once you arrive in Mumbai, make sure to have a plan for the immediate care and comfort of your cat, including transportation, a pet-friendly place to stay, and a veterinarian’s contact for any immediate needs. Here is a helpful link that you might find useful: Pet Travel (, which provides detailed and up-to-date information for bringing pets into India.

How can I tell if my dog is sick?

Identifying signs that your dog is sick is crucial for pet owners to ensure timely medical attention. Here are some symptoms to watch for:

  1. Behavioral Changes: If your ordinarily energetic dog is lethargic, withdrawn, or shows a lack of interest in activities they usually enjoy, it could be a sign of illness.
  2. Appetite Changes: A sudden increase or decrease in appetite, or difficulty eating, can indicate health issues.
  3. Drinking Habits: Excessive thirst or urination can be signs of diabetes or kidney disease.
  4. Weight Changes: Sudden weight loss or gain should not be ignored.
  5. Gastrointestinal Issues: Vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation could be symptoms of an array of issues, from infection to gastrointestinal disorders.
  6. Coughing or Difficulty Breathing: Persistent coughing or labored breathing can be signs of heart or lung disease.
  7. Skin or Coat Changes: A dull coat, hair loss, or itchy skin can be symptomatic of allergies, infections, or other conditions.

“Dogs can’t tell us when they’re feeling unwell, so it’s essential for owners to be vigilant about observing their behavior and physical condition for any changes that might indicate illness,” advises Dr. Deepak Kumar, a veterinary expert.

For detailed information on various symptoms and possible conditions, you might want to visit the Pet Care Hospital India’s website, which has resources on pet health: Pet Care Hospital India.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s critical to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and intervention can make a significant difference in the prognosis of many conditions. Additionally, for trusted information and guidance on your pet’s health, the Indian Veterinary Association has valuable resources you can consult: Indian Veterinary Association.

Remember, your veterinarian is your best source of information when your dog is sick. Regular check-ups, vaccinations, and preventative care are key in maintaining your dog’s health and well-being.

“My family planning a trip to Delhi, but we have a Bulldog. Are there any breed-specific rules I should be aware of before traveling

Certainly! Traveling with a Bulldog to Delhi doesn’t involve breed-specific rules that are vastly different from those for other breeds. However, it’s important to be aware of the general requirements and some special considerations for your Bulldog due to their unique physical characteristics:

  1. Travel Comfort: Bulldogs are brachycephalic (short-nosed) dogs, which makes them more susceptible to breathing difficulties, especially in hot or stressful environments. Ensure your Bulldog has access to plenty of water, is kept cool, and possibly consider traveling during cooler parts of the day.

  2. Health and Vaccination: It’s crucial to have your Bulldog up-to-date on its vaccinations. Carry a valid vaccination certificate and a recent health certificate from a licensed veterinarian. Rabies vaccination is mandatory. Check that the pet is also protected against common diseases such as distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus, and parainfluenza.

  3. Pet-Friendly Accommodation: Confirm in advance that your accommodations in Delhi are pet-friendly and have suitable arrangements for your Bulldog’s needs.

For more detailed advice, I suggest visiting the website of the Animal Welfare Board of India – Also, you can check the guidelines provided by the Kennel Club of India – for pet travel and care. Before your trip, it would be a good idea to consult with your veterinarian about any additional precautions you should take to ensure your Bulldog’s well-being during travel. Remember to always keep your dog on a leash and have an ID tag attached to the collar with your contact information while traveling.

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Glossary or Definitions

1. Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT): The government agency in India responsible for regulating and promoting foreign trade in the country. They establish regulations regarding the import of dogs and other pets into India.

2. Animal Quarantine and Certification Service (AQCS): An organization in India that ensures the health and safety of imported animals. They establish rules and regulations for importing dogs and other pets into the country and oversee quarantine procedures.

3. Health Certificate: A document issued by a licensed veterinarian from the originating country, certifying that the pet is free from any infectious diseases and is fit for travel.

4. Rabies Vaccination: A vaccination given to dogs to protect against the rabies virus. Dogs must be vaccinated against rabies at least 30 days before entering India.

5. Microchip: A small device implanted in a dog that contains a unique identification number. Dogs imported into India must have an ISO 11784/11785 compliant 15-digit pet microchip for identification purposes.

6. Import Permit: A permit issued by the Animal Quarantine and Certification Service (AQCS) allowing the import of a dog into India. Pet owners need to submit the necessary documents to obtain an import permit before traveling.

7. Quarantine: A period of isolation for imported dogs upon arrival in India. The duration of the quarantine, which is a minimum of 14 days, is determined by the AQCS.

8. Restricted Breeds: Specific dog breeds that are prohibited or have restrictions on their import for commercial or breeding purposes in India. Pet owners should ensure that their dog does not belong to these restricted breeds before importing them.

9. Customs Department: The government agency responsible for enforcing customs regulations and collecting import duties and taxes. Pet owners should check with the Indian Customs Department to understand their tax obligations when importing a dog to India.

10. Pet Relocation Service: A professional service that assists pet owners in relocating their pets to a different country. In the context of importing a dog to India, hiring a pet relocation service can help navigate the complex process and ensure a hassle-free move.

Please note that the provided content does not contain a significant amount of specialized terminology. The glossary has been created based on the few terms that are specific to pet veterinary care and import regulations in India.

Bark & Learn: Quick Commands

Breed: All Breeds

Five Basic Commands:

  1. Sit: Teaching your dog to sit is an essential command that sets the foundation for obedience training. This command helps control your dog’s behavior in various situations.

Step-by-step instructions:
– Hold a treat close to your dog’s nose, and slowly move your hand upwards, allowing your dog’s head to follow the treat and causing their bottom to lower.
– As their bottom touches the ground, say “Sit” and immediately give them the treat and praise.
– Repeat this process several times, gradually using the verbal command without the treat until your dog responds consistently to the command.

  1. Stay: Teaching your dog to stay in one place is vital for their safety and control in potentially dangerous situations.

Step-by-step instructions:
– Start with your dog in a sitting position.
– Extend your hand in front of you with the palm facing your dog and say “Stay.”
– Take a small step backward, pause for a few seconds, then step back to your dog and reward them with a treat and praise.
– Gradually increase the distance and duration of the “Stay” command, always returning to your dog and rewarding them for their compliance.

  1. Come when Called: The recall command is essential for calling your dog back to you, especially in off-leash situations or emergencies.

Step-by-step instructions:
– Begin in a quiet, distraction-free area.
– Crouch down, open your arms, and excitedly call your dog’s name followed by the word “Come.”
– When they respond and come to you, reward them with a treat and enthusiastic praise.
– Practice this command in gradually more challenging environments, gradually introducing distractions to ensure your dog’s reliability.

  1. Leave it: Teaching your dog to leave something alone, whether it’s food, objects, or other animals, is crucial for their safety and good behavior.

Step-by-step instructions:
– Show your dog a treat in your closed hand.
– Allow them to sniff and attempt to access the treat, but keep your hand closed.
– As they lose interest and stop trying to get the treat, say “Leave it” and open your hand, offering them a different treat as a reward.
– Repeat this process with various items, gradually progressing to leaving more desirable items until your dog reliably responds to the command.

  1. Heel: Teaching your dog to walk calmly beside you is important for leash training and control during walks.

Step-by-step instructions:
– Start with your dog on your left side, with their leash held in your right hand.
– Hold a treat in your left hand, close to your dog’s nose, and begin walking.
– As your dog follows the treat and walks alongside you, say “Heel” in a firm but calm voice.
– Reward your dog with the treat and praise when they maintain the desired position.
– Gradually increase the distance and duration of walking in the heel position, maintaining consistency with the command and rewarding good behavior.

Remember to keep training sessions short and positive, using rewards and praise to reinforce good behavior. Consistency, patience, and practice will help your dog understand and respond to these commands effectively.

So there you have it! As of now, there’s no ban on importing dogs to India, but it’s important to follow the regulations set by the government. From valid health certificates to microchips and quarantine, there are a few hoops to jump through. But don’t worry, with careful planning, your furry friend can come along for the adventure. For more tips and guidance on pet imports, head over to Happy travels with your four-legged companion!

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Dog Breeds, Dogs, Knowledge, Questions,

Last Update: January 15, 2024