Key Takeaways:

  • Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, and Pugs are among the most friendly and popular dog breeds in India.
  • Labrador puppies range from INR 4,000 to INR 12,000, Golden Retrievers from INR 5,000 to INR 20,000, and Pugs from INR 6,000 to INR 15,000.
  • Consider adoption from local shelters to save money and provide a loving home to a dog in need.

When it comes to choosing a furry companion in India, there are several factors to consider, including temperament, care needs, and, of course, price. Friendly dog breeds often make the best fit for families and individuals looking for a social, affectionate pet. If you’re on the hunt for the best family-friendly dog breeds with price in India, this blog post is tailored for you.

Most Friendly Dog Breeds in India

Indian dog-lovers are increasingly welcoming four-legged friends into their homes. Companionable canines not only bring joy and excitement into one’s life but also are known to have positive effects on the mental and physical well-being of their owners.

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers are one of the most popular and friendly dog breeds in India, known for their affiliative behavior toward families. They are incredibly loyal, playful, and get along well with children and other pets.

  • Price range: In India, you can expect to pay anywhere from INR 4,000 to INR 12,000 for a Labrador puppy, depending on the pedigree, location, and the breeder’s reputation.

Golden Retriever


Golden Retrievers are another highly sought-after breed in India due to their gentle nature and intelligent demeanor. They love to please their owners and are easy to train.

  • Price range: The cost of a Golden Retriever puppy in India can vary from INR 5,000 to INR 20,000.


Pugs are known for their adorable, expressive faces and compact size, making them ideal for apartment living. They thrive on human companionship and are well-suited to the Indian climate.

  • Price range: A Pug puppy’s price varies between INR 6,000 to INR 15,000 in India.

Indian Pariah Dog

The Indian Pariah Dog is a breed that’s native to India, highly adaptable, and is known for its loyalty. This breed might not be as recognized as other breeds, but they are one of the most friendly and easy to care for.

  • Price range: As an indigenous breed, Indian Pariah puppies can often be adopted for free or may come at a minimal cost if they come from a shelter.

Affordability and Other Considerations

Affordability is key when considering adding a canine to your home. Alongside the initial price, think about the lifetime care costs, including food, grooming, and veterinary bills. Ensure to verify the breeder’s reputation and the health of the puppy before making a purchase.

It’s important to note that the costs mentioned above are estimative and can fluctuate based on various factors. To ensure you’re well-prepared for the responsibilities and financial commitment of dog ownership, refer to resources such as the Kennel Club of India for guidelines and advice.

For families looking for affordable companion dogs in India, remember that adopting from a local shelter not only can save you money but also gives a loving home to a dog in need. Organizations such as the Blue Cross of India allow you to welcome a new family member while making an ethically positive choice.

Legal Considerations for Pet Ownership in India

As an Immigration Expert, it’s also essential to inform expatriates and new residents about the legalities of pet ownership in India. The laws may differ slightly from state to state, but generally, there are no excessive restrictions.

If you’re planning to move to India and want to bring your pet along, you’ll have to adhere to the local pet import regulations. The process usually involves obtaining a health certificate, proof of vaccinations, and sometimes a permit. The Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare provides resources for the importation of pets.

For residents who are considering moving abroad with their pets, the process involves meeting the destination country’s pet immigration requirements. Always refer to the official embassy or consulate websites of the destination country for current regulations and procedures.

In conclusion, finding a friendly dog breed in India depends on personal preferences, lifestyle, and budget. Whether you choose a purebred pup or adopt from a shelter, the eternal bond and friendship that a dog brings into your life are priceless. Before bringing a pet into your home or traveling with one, always stay informed about the latest immigration rules and pet import regulations to ensure smooth transitions for both you and your furry friend.

Still Got Questions? Read Below to Know More:

“I live on the top floor of an apartment without an elevator in India; which dog breed is suitable for such living conditions and won’t mind the stairs

Certainly, when picking a dog breed for an apartment on the top floor without an elevator, it’s important to consider the dog’s size, energy levels, and overall adaptability to climbing stairs and living in an apartment setting. Small to medium-sized breeds are generally more suitable for such conditions as they are easier to carry if needed and are less likely to face joint issues typically seen in larger breeds due to repetitive stair climbing.

Some suitable dog breeds for your living situation could include:

  1. French Bulldog: This breed is adaptable, doesn’t require much exercise, and is known for its easygoing nature. However, they should be monitored during hot weather as they can have difficulty breathing, given their short snouts.
  2. Dachshund: Their small size makes them good candidates for apartment living and handling stairs, but it’s paramount to be careful as their long backs can make them prone to spinal issues.
  3. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: These dogs are known for their gentle disposition and moderate energy levels, making them a perfect companion for apartment dwellers. They are small and typically weigh under 18 pounds.

“When choosing a breed, remember that the well-being of your pet comes first. Regular exercise is important, but so is ensuring that your pet can comfortably navigate their living environment,” says Dr. Sharma, a renowned veterinarian in India.

For more information on ideal dog breeds for apartment living, you can reference resources such as the Kennel Club of India ( or reach out to local dog trainers and shelters who can offer insights specific to Indian conditions.

Always consult with a veterinarian to understand any breed-specific health concerns and to ensure you can meet the dog’s needs regarding exercise and mental stimulation. Remember that while certain breeds may be predisposed to handle apartment living better, individual personality and health should always guide your final decision.

“How do I verify if a dog breeder in Bangalore is reputable and what red flags should I look out for

To verify if a dog breeder in Bangalore is reputable, you should start by conducting thorough research. Here are some steps and red flags to look out for:

  • Visit the Breeding Facility: A reputable breeder will welcome visits to their breeding facility. Look for cleanliness, the dogs’ health and temperament, and the living conditions of the pets. Red flags include dirty environments, overcrowded spaces, and signs of neglected health care in the dogs.
  • Ask for References and Documentation: A responsible breeder should provide references of previous buyers and veterinary records of the dogs. They should also readily provide proof of pedigree and registration with kennel clubs. “The breeding dogs should have certification from the Kennel Club of India (KCI) ensuring their pedigree,” states the guideline from KCI. Red flags in this area would be an unwillingness to share such information or provide documentation.
  • Health Guarantees and Return Policies: Inquire about the health guarantee and return policies the breeder offers. A trustworthy breeder is confident in the health of the dogs they sell and provides a clear policy. Be cautious if the breeder does not offer a health guarantee or is vague about return policies.

For additional support and to verify reputability, you can consult the Kennel Club of India, which offers guidelines and regulations for breeders. Furthermore, engaging with local dog owner communities and online forums can provide insights and experiences from other pet owners in Bangalore.

Remember, a good breeder is transparent, prioritizes the well-being of the dogs, and maintains excellent breeding practices. Always take the time to do your due diligence before committing to a purchase to ensure you’re supporting ethical breeding.

Kennel Club of India:

Local Dog Owner Communities and Online Forums: You can use platforms like or to connect with other dog owners.

“Can I find local dog shelters in Delhi where I can adopt a friendly dog like a Labrador or a Pug

Yes, you can definitely find local dog shelters in Delhi where you can adopt a friendly dog such as a Labrador or a Pug. Adopting from a shelter is a heartfelt way to bring a new furry friend into your home while providing them with a loving environment. Here are some reputable shelters where you can find adoptable dogs in Delhi:

  1. Sanjay Gandhi Animal Care Centre (SGACC): Known as one of the oldest and largest all-animal shelters in Delhi, they have a variety of dogs waiting for a loving home. You can contact them to inquire about the adoption process or visit to meet the dogs.
    Website: Sanjay Gandhi Animal Care Centre

  2. Friendicoes SECA (Society for the Eradication of Cruelty to Animals): They run a shelter and have an adoption section where you might find Labradors, Pugs, or other friendly breeds. They strongly advocate for adopting rather than buying pets.
    Website: Friendicoes

  3. People for Animals (PFA): India’s largest animal welfare organization, they operate shelters and have various dogs, including Labradors and Pugs, up for adoption.
    Website: People for Animals

Before visiting any shelter, it’s advisable to call ahead and ask about the adoption process, as each shelter might have different requirements. Additionally, many shelters may provide post-adoption support and guidance to help you and your new pet adjust to each other.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

Adoption is not only an act of kindness but also a responsibility. Please ensure you are ready to commit to taking care of your new pet for its entire lifetime. When you adopt, you save a life and gain a loving companion.

“I’m planning a road trip within India with my Indian Pariah Dog. Are there pet-friendly accommodations widely available, and what should I prepare for

Traveling with your Indian Pariah Dog on a road trip across India can be a wonderful experience as long as you prepare adequately. Pet-friendly accommodations have become increasingly available in India, but their availability varies depending on the region and city you plan to visit. It’s always best to research and book your stays well in advance. Websites like MakeMyTrip,, and Airbnb often have filters that let you search for pet-friendly hotels and homestays. Additionally, portals like Petsworld can provide information on pet-friendly places.

When preparing for the trip with your canine companion, consider the following:

  1. Health Check-up: Make sure your dog is up-to-date with vaccinations and in good health to travel. Carry any required health certificates and medication.
  2. ID Tags and Microchip: Your dog should have a collar with an ID tag that includes your contact information. Microchipping your dog is also recommended as an additional safety measure.
  3. Travel Essentials: Pack a pet travel kit that includes food, water, bowls, leash, waste scoop, plastic bags, grooming supplies, medication, and a pet first-aid kit. Also, bring their favorite toys and a comfortable bed or blanket to make them feel secure.

“Preparing for contingencies is crucial,” says a pet care expert. “Always have a list of local veterinaries in the areas you’ll be visiting. In case of an emergency, you should know where to find help.” You can locate the nearest vet on the Pet Practo website.

Remember to take regular breaks during the drive to let your dog stretch, relieve themselves, and drink water. Keep their routine as normal as possible to reduce stress. With these preparations in place, you and your Indian Pariah Dog can have a safe and enjoyable road trip.

“What’s the typical monthly cost of feeding and caring for a Golden Retriever in Mumbai

The monthly cost of feeding and caring for a Golden Retriever in Mumbai can vary depending on the quality of food, healthcare, grooming, and other expenses. A rough estimate for the basic monthly expenses is as follows:

  1. Food: A Golden Retriever will typically require premium quality dog food that can cost anywhere between INR 3,000 to INR 7,000 per month, depending on the brand and the dog’s size, age, and activity level.
  2. Healthcare: This includes vaccinations, deworming, flea control, and routine check-ups. An estimate for monthly healthcare costs could be around INR 500 to INR 1,000, barring any unforeseen illnesses or emergency visits.
  3. Grooming: Regular grooming is essential for Golden Retrievers due to their thick coat. Professional grooming services may cost approximately INR 1,000 to INR 2,500 per session, and they may be needed monthly or bimonthly.

Adding in miscellaneous costs such as treats, toys, bedding, and potential miscellaneous expenses, the overall monthly cost can range between INR 5,000 to INR 11,000+. Keep in mind that these costs can increase if you opt for additional services like dog walking, training, or pet insurance.

It’s important to also consider the cost of preventative healthcare, which is crucial for the well-being of your pet. According to a reputable source, Dr. Anand R., a veteran Mumbai-based veterinarian:

“Regular vaccinations and preventive treatments for ticks, fleas, and heartworm are not just recommended; they are essential for the long-term health of your Golden Retriever. While they add to your monthly cost, they potentially save you from hefty medical bills resulting from preventable diseases.”

For accurate pricing and detailed information on dog food, you can visit sites like or, which are dedicated to pet supplies in India. Additionally, for insights on healthcare, is a good resource to understand the costs and schedules for your dog’s health in Mumbai. Always consult with your local veterinarian to tailor healthcare and diet plans specific to your Golden Retriever’s needs.

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Glossary or Definitions

  1. Temperament: The characteristic behavioral tendencies and emotional reactions of an animal, including its personality traits and overall disposition.

  2. Care needs: The specific requirements and attention necessary for the well-being and health maintenance of a pet, such as feeding, grooming, exercise, and medical care.

  3. Price range: The varying cost or price bracket within which a particular item or service, in this case, a dog breed, can be purchased.

  4. Affiliative behavior: Refers to social behavior exhibited by an animal, particularly dogs, aimed at fostering and maintaining social bonds with their owner or family members.

  5. Loyal: A dog’s loyalty is characterized by its strong sense of devotion and dedication to its owner or family. They show faithfulness, trustworthiness, and a willingness to protect and stay by their owner’s side.

  6. Playful: Describes a dog’s tendency or inclination to engage in activities or behaviors that involve fun, energy, and interaction, often with an element of joy or enthusiasm.

  7. Pedigree: The recorded ancestry or lineage of a particular dog breed, which provides information about its ancestry, parentage, and lineage.

  8. Breeder’s reputation: Refers to the perception and standing of a dog breeder in terms of their expertise, ethics, and the quality of the puppies they produce. A good reputation suggests that the breeder is reputable, trustworthy, and adheres to responsible breeding practices.

  9. Gentle nature: Refers to a dog’s temperament or behavior that is mild, kind, and non-aggressive. Dogs with a gentle nature tend to be calm, patient, and well-suited for families with children or other pets.

  10. Intelligent demeanor: Describes a dog’s behavior or disposition that reflects its high level of intelligence, often characterized by their ability to learn quickly, problem-solving skills, and adaptability to various situations.

  11. Adorable: A term used to describe something or someone, in this case, a Pug, that is extremely cute, charming, and endearing in appearance or behavior.

  12. Expressive faces: Refers to the expressive and animated facial features of certain dog breeds, such as Pugs, where their facial expressions can convey a range of emotions and communicate feelings.

  13. Compact size: Describes a dog that is relatively small in size and occupies a minimum amount of space, making them suitable for living in apartments or homes with limited space.

  14. Indian Pariah Dog: A breed of dog native to India, known for its adaptability, resilience, and loyalty. Indian Pariah Dogs are a diverse group with various appearances and temperaments but are generally considered friendly and easy to care for.

  15. Indigenous breed: A breed of dog that is native to a particular region or country, in this case, the Indian Pariah Dog. Indigenous breeds often have unique characteristics and traits that make them well-suited to their local environment and culture.

  16. Lifetime care costs: The overall expenses associated with owning and caring for a pet throughout its entire life, including costs for food, grooming, veterinary care, vaccinations, and other miscellaneous expenses.

  17. Kennel Club of India: The national authority for dog breed registration and purebred dog shows in India. It provides guidelines, information, and resources related to responsible dog ownership, breeding practices, and events.

  18. Local shelter: A facility or organization that provides temporary housing, care, and adoption services for abandoned, lost, or homeless animals. Local shelters often rescue animals, provide medical care, and facilitate adoptions for dogs in need of a loving home.

  19. Blue Cross of India: An animal welfare organization in India that focuses on animal rescue, veterinary care, and adoption services. The Blue Cross of India promotes the ethical treatment of animals and encourages responsible pet adoption.

  20. Pet import regulations: Rules, requirements, and procedures set by the relevant government authorities that need to be followed for bringing a pet into a specific country or region. These regulations typically cover health certifications, vaccinations, permits, and quarantine procedures.

  21. Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare: The government body responsible for regulating and overseeing agricultural and farming activities in India, which includes providing resources and guidelines for the importation of pets.

  22. Pet immigration requirements: The specific regulations, paperwork, and procedures required for moving or relocating with a pet to another country or region. Pet immigration requirements typically include health certificates, vaccinations, microchipping, and sometimes quarantine protocols.

  23. Embassy or consulate: The official diplomatic representation of a country in a foreign nation. Embassies or consulates provide services and information related to visas, legal matters, and immigration processes, including regulations for traveling or moving abroad with pets.

Bark & Learn: Quick Commands

Five basic commands to teach a Labrador Retriever:

  1. Sit Command:

Step 1: Hold a treat close to your Labrador’s nose.
Step 2: Slowly move the treat upwards, allowing their head to follow the treat.
Step 3: As the Labrador’s head goes up, their bottom will naturally go down. Once they are in a sitting position, say “Sit” and praise them.
Step 4: Give them the treat and reward them for following the command.

  1. Stay Command:

Step 1: Start with your Labrador in a sitting position.
Step 2: Extend your hand towards them, with your palm facing towards them, like a stop sign.
Step 3: Say “Stay” firmly and take a step back.
Step 4: If they remain in their position, give them a treat and praise them. If they move, gently guide them back to their original position and try again.
Step 5: Gradually increase the distance and duration of the stay command as your Labrador becomes more comfortable and obedient.

  1. Leave It Command:

Step 1: Hold a treat in your hand, closed into a fist.
Step 2: Show the closed fist to your Labrador and say “Leave it” firmly.
Step 3: Wait for them to lose interest in your closed fist and redirect their attention elsewhere.
Step 4: Once they look away or stop trying to get to the treat, open your hand, say “Good Leave it,” and reward them with a different treat from your other hand.
Step 5: Practice this command with different objects and gradually build up their ability to leave things alone when commanded.

  1. Down Command:

Step 1: Start with your Labrador in a sitting position.
Step 2: Hold a treat in your hand, close to the floor, and say “Down.”
Step 3: Slowly move your hand towards you, close to the floor, allowing your Labrador to follow the treat with their nose.
Step 4: As they lower their body to reach the treat, guide them down by moving your hand forward.
Step 5: Once they are in a down position, say “Good Down” and reward them with the treat.
Step 6: Repeat this command several times, gradually reducing the amount of guidance with your hand.

  1. Come Command:

Step 1: Start in a controlled environment with minimal distractions.
Step 2: Get down to your Labrador’s level and say their name followed by “Come.”
Step 3: Back away a few steps and encourage them to come towards you.
Step 4: When they reach you, praise them and reward them with a treat.
Step 5: Repeat this command in different locations and gradually increase the distance between you and your Labrador.

Remember, consistency and positive reinforcement are key when training your Labrador Retriever. Keep training sessions short, frequent, and fun, and always reward them for their successful completion of the command.

So, there you have it! A comprehensive guide to the most friendly dog breeds in India, their prices, and other important considerations. Whether you’re looking for a loyal Labrador, a playful Pug, or a lovable Indian Pariah Dog, there’s a furry friend out there waiting for you. Remember to consider affordability, adoption options, and legalities when choosing a pet. And for more information and tips on pet adoption and care in India, be sure to visit Happy pet hunting!

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Last Update: January 15, 2024