Key Takeaways:

  • Discover the diverse dog breeds in India, shaped by the country’s terrain and climate, both indigenous and imported.
  • The Kennel Club of India officially recognizes and regulates purebred dogs, providing a comprehensive list and breed standards.
  • Dogs in India play various roles, from beloved pets to working dogs, and owners must comply with legal requirements for ownership and importation.

If you’ve ever wandered through the bustling streets of India or have been captivated by the diversity of its culture, you might have noticed a similar diversity in its canine companions. From companionship to security, dogs are a beloved part of many Indian households. With a vast and varied terrain that includes everything from snowy mountains to tropical beaches, India is home to many unique dog breeds that are as diverse as the country itself.

Understanding Dog Breeds in India

Dogs have been an integral part of Indian society for centuries. India’s terrain and climate have led to the development of a number of indigenous breeds, each with its own unique set of traits and characteristics. When talking about dog breeds in India, it’s important to differentiate between those that are native to India and those that have been imported and have now become common.

Recognizable Native Dog Breeds in India

The Indian dog breed list counts several breeds that are not just recognizable but have a history entwined with Indian culture. Notable among these are:

  • The Rajapalayam, a large, white Indian Sighthound. This breed is noted for its imposing size and has a dedicated following due to its loyalty and guard instincts.
  • The Mudhol Hound, also known as the Caravan Hound, sports a sleek body and is renowned for its agility and hunting prowess.
  • The Kanni, which means ‘pure’ in Tamil, is a rare indigenous breed from Tamil Nadu, revered for its speed and often used for hunting.

The Official Recognition of Indian Dog Breeds


The Kennel Club of India (KCI) is the authority that recognizes and regulates purebred dogs in India. They have the definitive recognized Indian dog breed list that features both indigenous and foreign breeds. The KCI, affiliated with international canine organizations, adheres to stringent standards for breed recognition.

When discussing specific numbers, it’s advantageous to refer to the Kennel Club of India for the most accurate and updated information about recognized dog breeds within the country. Their official list and breed standards can be found on the KCI website, which serves as a valuable resource for all dog enthusiasts.

The Role of Dogs in Indian Society

Dogs in India fulfill various roles – from pets that are part of the family to working dogs that guard, herd, or even assist in hunting. The diversity in dog breeds in India reflects the wide array of uses and environments where these dogs are found.

Legal Considerations for Dog Ownership in India

As in many countries, India has its own set of regulations surrounding pet ownership. Whether native or imported, dog owners need to be aware of certain legalities:

  • Registration of the dog with the local municipal corporation is important.
  • A Microchip and rabies vaccine are amongst the mandatory requirements for dog ownership in many areas.
  • Importing dogs requires adherence to specific protocols and obtaining an NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the Animal Quarantine and Certification Service (AQCS).

Prospective dog owners and expatriates considering bringing in foreign breeds to India should consult official guidelines from the AQCS.

International Travelers and Dog Import Regulations

For those who are traveling to India and wish to bring their dogs, understanding India’s pet import rules is essential. The necessary paperwork and health checks can be intricate, and the AQCS website provides a comprehensive breakdown of the legal requirements needed to ensure a smooth process.


The canvas of dog breeds in India is as elaborate and colorful as the country’s own cultural tapestry. Boasting an array of breeds each with its own story and purpose, the nations’ canine companions are a fascinating subject for dog lovers worldwide. Whether you’re planning to own a dog in India or bring your furry friend on your Indian adventure, awareness about dog breeds, their recognition status, and legal requirements are key to a harmonious experience.

Indian dog breeds continue to gain popularity and recognition both domestically and internationally. As the world becomes more interconnected, an appreciation for these unique breeds grows, presenting opportunities to celebrate and preserve the canine heritage of India.

For more information on dog breeds in India, and to stay updated on regulations regarding dog ownership and importation, prospective dog owners should visit the Kennel Club of India and the Animal Quarantine and Certification Service for authoritative advice and guidance.

Still Got Questions? Read Below to Know More:

“Can you suggest some trustworthy platforms where I can adopt a native Indian breed of dog, and what documentation or formalities would be involved in the process

Certainly, when looking to adopt a native Indian breed of dog, there are several reputable platforms that you can consider. One such platform is Pet Adoption India, which features a variety of Indian breeds available for adoption ( Another trusted resource is the Blue Cross of India, which regularly facilitates the adoption process of rescued and homeless dogs ( You might also want to check out FRIENDICOES SEC which is known for its rescue and adoption services ( Additionally, People for Animals is one of India’s largest animal welfare organizations that often have native breeds for adoption (

During the adoption process, there are a few standard documentation and formalities involved:
1. Adoption Application: You’ll need to fill out an application that includes questions about your living situation, lifestyle, previous pet ownership, and how you plan to care for the dog.
2. Identification Proof: Most organizations will require a government-issued ID proof to ensure authentic and responsible adoption.
3. Address Proof: To confirm your place of residence which may also involve home checks by the organization.
4. Adoption Agreement: If the adoption is approved, you will sign an adoption agreement which outlines the responsibilities of the pet owner and the terms of adoption.
5. Follow-up: Some organizations conduct follow-ups to ensure the well-being of the dog.

It’s important to remember that each organization may have its own specific process, so it’s always best to contact the organization directly and inquire about their particular requirements. Adopting a pet also implies committing to a lifelong relationship, providing love, care, and attention to your new furry family member.

“Adopting a dog is a noble and loving act that gives a homeless animal a second chance at life. It is crucial to engage with reputable organizations to find the right match for your home and to make the adoption successful and fulfilling for both you and your pet.”

“Are there any restrictions or special care considerations I need to know about raising a Kanni dog in a hot and humid climate, such as in Chennai

Raising a Kanni dog, a native breed from the warm climate of South India, in a hot and humid city like Chennai, does require some specific care considerations to ensure their health and well-being. Here are some tailored guidelines:

  1. Hydration: Always provide your Kanni dog with a constant supply of fresh water. The hot Chennai climate can quickly lead to dehydration. “Dogs need constant access to water as they are more prone to heatstroke,” according to regional veterinary advice.

  2. Shelter and Comfort: Create a cool, shaded area for your dog to rest away from direct sunlight. Indoors, you can maintain a comfortable temperature with fans or air conditioning. “[It is] vital to offer a comfortable resting area away from the harsh sun,” noted by pet care experts.

  3. Exercise and Walking: Schedule walks during the cooler parts of the day, like early morning and late evening, to avoid heat exhaustion. Limit vigorous activities when humidity is high.

Special care considerations include awareness of heatstroke symptoms, such as excessive panting, drooling, or lethargy. Regular grooming is also necessary to prevent skin infections that can be exacerbated by humidity. “Monitor your Kanni closely for signs of heatstroke, especially during the peak summer months,” is a common recommendation from veterinarians.

For more detailed care tips and health guidance, visiting a local veterinarian is advisable. The Kennel Club of India ( is a valuable resource for finding regional clubs and professionals who offer breed-specific advice.

“How do I ensure my apartment is suitable for a large breed like a Rajapalayam dog if I’m living in a city like Mumbai

Ensuring your apartment in Mumbai is suitable for a large breed like the Rajapalayam dog involves several important considerations. You’ll need to adapt your living space to comfortably accommodate a large, active dog, and also ensure it fits your lifestyle and the dog’s needs.

First, assess the space available in your apartment. Large breeds require ample room to move around. Ensure you have a safe, spacious area for your Rajapalayam to rest, play, and exercise. Since apartments usually don’t have yards, you’ll need to commit to regular walks and outdoor activities. “Access to nearby parks or dog-friendly areas is essential for your dog’s physical and mental well-being,” as often noted by pet experts. Also, consider the temperature and ventilation in your home, as large breeds can overheat easily, especially in Mumbai’s climate.

Additionally, you’ll need to soundproof your space to some extent as dogs like the Rajapalayam can be vocal, which might disturb neighbors. Incorporate durable, easily cleanable furnishings and floors to handle the wear and tear of a large dog’s activity. Invest in sturdy crates, comfortable large beds, and chew-proof toys to keep your dog engaged. Lastly, it’s vital to check with your apartment association about any pet policies and to establish good relationships with your neighbors to ensure cohabitative peace.

For more detailed guidance on pet care, you can refer to authoritative pet sources in India like “Kennel Club of India” (Kennel Club of India) or connect with local Mumbai dog communities for tailored advice and support.

“I’m moving to Bangalore from the USA with my pet dog. What’s the most efficient way to navigate the pet import process and the AQCS requirements

Moving to Bangalore from the USA with your pet dog involves a series of steps to comply with India’s pet import requirements and AQCS (Animal Quarantine and Certification Services) regulations. Here’s the most efficient way to navigate the process:

  1. Microchip and Vaccinations: Ensure your dog is microchipped with an ISO 11784/11785 compliant 15-digit pet microchip. Your pet dog must be vaccinated against rabies at least 30 days, but not more than 12 months, prior to entering India.

  2. Health Certificate and Import Permit: Obtain a health certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian in the USA within 10 days of travel. You’ll also need to apply for an import permit from the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying. The application for the import permit can be made online or through the Indian Mission abroad.

  3. Quarantine: Upon arrival in Bangalore, your pet will need to undergo a minimum of 14 days of quarantine at an AQCS facility or at home, if allowed.

Here are some quotes and links to guide you:

“In India, the import of pets is strictly regulated and imposes the need for an import license issued by the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying.”

For an import permit and detailed guidelines, visit the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying website.

“All pets entering into India under transfer of residence are subject to 14 days of quarantine. The pet may be quarantined at the nearest AQCS at Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, and Hyderabad.”

To understand more about the quarantine process, refer to the AQCS website.

Before finalizing your move, ensure you have checked the latest requirements and have all the necessary documentation ready. It’s recommended to work with a pet relocation service to smooth out this complex process.

“What specific steps should I take to register my Mudhol Hound in Delhi, and are there any local clubs or communities for native breed enthusiasts

To register your Mudhol Hound in Delhi, you’ll need to follow a series of steps that ensure your pet is recognized officially. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Microchipping and Vaccination: Ensure that your Mudhol Hound is microchipped for identification and has received all the necessary vaccinations to comply with registration regulations.

  2. Registration with Kennel Club of India (KCI): The Kennel Club of India is the primary authority for dog registration in India. Visit the KCI website to download the Dog Registration form. You’ll need to fill it out and provide relevant details such as breed, sex, age, microchip number, and a copy of the pedigree certificate (if available). Additionally, you must provide photographs of your dog and the vaccination record. Submit these documents either through mail or in person to the KCI office. Since the KCI is headquartered in Chennai, you may contact the North Zone office based in Delhi for guidance.

    Kennel Club of India – Delhi Contact: +91 11 26274729

  3. Engage with Local Clubs and Communities: For Mudhol Hound enthusiasts in Delhi, joining a local breed-specific club can be immensely beneficial. Such clubs often organize events and provide a platform for sharing information and resources.

    “Being part of a community that appreciates and understands the value of native Indian breeds can greatly enhance the experience of owning a Mudhol Hound,” a club representative might say.

One local club where you can connect with other Indian breed enthusiasts is the Delhi Kennel Club (Delhi Kennel Club | Facebook). You can also explore online forums and social media groups dedicated to Mudhol Hound owners and Indian dog breeds to share experiences, get advice, and learn about upcoming events and activities.

Remember, registering your dog not only gives you a sense of pride in owning a noble native breed like the Mudhol Hound but also helps in promoting and preserving the breed. It’s a small effort towards maintaining the rich canine heritage of India.

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Glossary or Definitions:

1. Indigenous Breed – A dog breed that is native to a specific region or country, in this case, India. These breeds have evolved over time and adapted to local climates, environments, and lifestyles. Examples of indigenous dog breeds in India include the Rajapalayam, Mudhol Hound, and Kanni.

2. Sighthound – A type of dog breed that is bred for its speed and agility in chasing and catching prey using sight rather than scent. The Rajapalayam is an example of an Indian sighthound breed.

3. Kennel Club of India (KCI) – The official authority in India that recognizes and regulates purebred dogs. The KCI maintains a recognized dog breed list, sets breed standards, and is affiliated with international canine organizations.

4. Breed Recognition – The process by which a dog breed is officially recognized by a kennel club or breed registry. It involves meeting specific criteria and standards set by the authority to establish the breed’s purity and breed-specific traits.

5. Municipal Corporation – The local governing body responsible for the administration of a city or town. In India, dog owners are often required to register their pets with the local municipal corporation.

6. Microchip – A small electronic device that is implanted under the skin of a dog for identification purposes. It contains a unique identification number that can be scanned by a microchip reader to reunite a lost or stolen dog with its owner.

7. No Objection Certificate (NOC) – A document issued by the Animal Quarantine and Certification Service (AQCS) that certifies compliance with regulations and permits the importation of dogs into India. It is required for importing dogs from other countries.

8. Animal Quarantine and Certification Service (AQCS) – The government agency responsible for regulating the importation of animals into India. They enforce health and safety standards to prevent the spread of diseases and ensure the well-being of imported animals.

9. Pet Import Regulations – The rules and requirements set by the government for bringing pets into a country. These regulations may include health checks, vaccination requirements, and the need for specific permits or certificates.

10. Legalities – The legal obligations and requirements that need to be followed or complied with when owning a pet, such as registration, vaccination, and following import/export regulations.

11. Canine Companions – Dogs that serve as companions or pets to individuals and families. They provide emotional support, love, and companionship.

12. Working Dogs – Dogs that perform certain tasks or jobs, such as guarding, herding, hunting, search and rescue, or assistance work. They are trained to fulfill specific roles and tasks.

13. Breed Standards – Specific guidelines and criteria set by kennel clubs or breed organizations that describe the ideal physical and temperamental characteristics of a particular dog breed. These standards help maintain the breed’s consistency and promote responsible breeding practices.

14. Purebred Dogs – Dogs that belong to a recognized breed and have a documented pedigree that traces their lineage back several generations. They have parents of the same breed and conform to the breed’s established standards.

15. Canine Heritage – The historical and cultural significance of dogs within a particular region or country. The canine heritage of India refers to its unique dog breeds and their role in Indian society and culture.

Bark & Learn: Quick Commands

Here are five basic pet commands that are particularly suitable for the Rajapalayam breed, a large, white Indian Sighthound known for its loyalty and guard instincts:

  1. Sit Command:
    Step-by-step instructions:

– Hold a treat close to the Rajapalayam’s nose and slowly move it up and over their head.
– As the dog follows the treat with its nose, its hindquarters will naturally lower into a sitting position.
– Once the dog is in a sitting position, say the word “Sit” and praise them.
– Reward the dog with the treat and repeat the exercise several times, gradually phasing out the use of treats but still praising and rewarding the dog when it responds correctly to the command.

  1. Stay Command:
    Step-by-step instructions:

– Start with your Rajapalayam in a sitting position.
– Raise your hand in front of their face like a stop sign while firmly saying “Stay.”
– Take a step back, watching the dog to ensure it remains in the sitting position.
– If the dog stays in place, say “Good Stay!” and reward them with a treat and praise.
– Gradually increase the distance and duration of the stay, reinforcing the command and rewarding the dog for compliance.

  1. Leave It Command:
    Step-by-step instructions:

– Place a treat in your closed hand and offer it to your Rajapalayam, allowing them to sniff and investigate.
– When the dog tries to open your hand or show excessive interest in the treat, firmly say “Leave It.”
– Close your hand to prevent access to the treat, waiting for your dog to lose interest and back away.
– Once the dog has backed away, say “Yes” or “Good Leave It!” and give them a different treat as a reward.
– Repeat this exercise, gradually using treats that are closer to the Rajapalayam, until they respond reliably to the “Leave It” command.

  1. Come Command:
    Step-by-step instructions:

– Begin by calling your Rajapalayam using an enthusiastic and inviting tone.
– As they start moving towards you, say the word “Come” and encourage them to keep coming with gentle pats or excited praise.
– When your dog reaches you, reward them with praise, a treat, or a favorite toy.
– Repeat this exercise in different locations and gradually increase the distance between you and the dog, reinforcing the command and rewarding them for coming when called.

  1. Down Command:
    Step-by-step instructions:

– Start with your Rajapalayam in a sitting position.
– Hold a treat close to their nose and slowly lower it to the ground while saying “Down.”
– As the dog follows the treat, their front legs will extend forward and they will lower their body to the ground.
– Once the dog is in a down position, say “Good Down!” and reward them with the treat.
– Repeat this exercise, gradually phasing out the use of treats but still praising and rewarding the dog when it responds correctly to the command.

So, there you have it – a snapshot of the wonderful world of dog breeds in India! From the majestic Rajapalayam to the agile Mudhol Hound, these indigenous breeds showcase the diversity and rich heritage of our country. Whether you’re a dog enthusiast or planning to bring your furry friend to India, understanding the different breeds, legal considerations, and import regulations is crucial. For more information and to delve deeper into this fascinating topic, visit Happy exploring!

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Last Update: January 15, 2024