Key Takeaways:

  1. Buying dogs online in India requires research and caution to ensure safety, reliability, and the pet’s well-being.
  2. Identify credible websites and breeders with genuine customer reviews and detailed listings for authentic transactions.
  3. Prioritize secure payments, proper documentation, safe delivery, health checks, legal considerations, and tax regulations when buying dogs online in India.

Understanding the Process of Buying Dogs Online in India

In recent years, the trend of acquiring pets online has skyrocketed, and for good reason. The convenience it offers, especially for busy professionals, is unmatched. If you are considering to buy dogs online in India, it is vital to know the right approach to assure safety, reliability, and the wellbeing of your future pet. Here’s an online dog buying guide in Hindi, keeping it simple for wider accessibility.

Identify Reputable Websites and Breeders

When looking to buy dogs online in India, your first step is to search for a credible platform. Numerous websites offer services allowing you to purchase dogs from the comfort of your home. It is crucial to conduct thorough research about these websites. Look for genuine customer reviews and ratings, which can provide an insight into their reputation and service quality.

Evaluate the Authenticity of the Listing

Once you have shortlisted a few websites, scrutinize each listing carefully. Authentic sellers provide detailed information about the dog’s breed, age, health condition, vaccination details, and pedigree certification if applicable. They also tend to be transparent about their return policies and support services post-purchase.

Engage Directly with the Seller


It is advisable to initiate a conversation with the breeder or seller before making a transaction. This interaction can lend insight into the seller’s knowledge and competence. Ask questions about the dog’s dietary needs, temperament, and any special care instructions. It would help you assess the level of care the animal has received and what to expect moving forward.

Secure Payment Transactions

Financial security is paramount when transacting online. Opt for websites that offer safe payment gateways and avoid direct bank transfers to individuals without a verified history. In addition, keep a record of all your transactions and correspondences with the seller in case of future disputes.

Insist on Proper Documentation

Reliable breeders provide all necessary documentation for the puppy. This includes health certificates, deworming records, vaccination schedules, and registration papers, if applicable. Ensure you receive these documents during the transaction to avoid future legal and health-related issues.

Arrange for a Safe Delivery

If you can’t pick up the pup in person, arrange a safe and comfortable delivery option. Many websites offer specialized pet delivery services ensuring the safety and comfort of the animal during transit. Ensure that the delivery service is reputable and has positive reviews regarding animal handling.

Post-Arrival Health Check

It’s important to schedule a visit to the vet for a thorough health check as soon as your new pet arrives. This step ensures that any undisclosed health concerns are promptly dealt with, and it provides a good start for your pet’s life with you.

Legal Considerations and Immigration Advice for Pet Owners

For those who are traveling or planning to move with pets internationally, understanding the legalities associated with pet immigration is crucial. Each country has its own set of regulations concerning pet importation, including vaccinations, quarantine periods, and documentation.

For example, the Indian Government requires an import license for pets, which should be applied for in advance. It is also essential to familiarize yourself with the laws to avoid any legal hurdles. You can find comprehensive information on the import of pets to India at the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare website.

Be Informed About Taxes on Pet Purchases

Tax regulations can also vary depending on the location. While some states in India might impose a sales tax on buying pets, others may not. It is advisable to check with local tax authorities or consult a tax expert to be fully informed about any additional costs that may arise from your transaction.

In summary, if you are seeking to buy dogs online in India, it is essential to be diligent, informed, and cautious. Research thoroughly, communicate openly with the seller, ensure secure payments, and insist on proper documentation. Remember, the wellbeing of your future pet should be the top priority throughout the purchasing process. Always keep in mind the legal implications of owning and perhaps relocating with your pet, to ensure a smooth transition for you and your furry friend.

Still Got Questions? Read Below to Know More:

“Are there any specific Indian laws or regulations about vaccinating pets bought online before they are delivered to me

In India, while there isn’t a centralized legislation that directly mandates the vaccination of pets bought online before delivery, there are general guidelines and laws for the welfare of animals that indirectly cover the health and safety aspects, including vaccination. One of the key acts is The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, which outlines the responsibility of pet owners to ensure the well-being of their pets, which can be interpreted to include appropriate vaccinations.

The Indian government does not directly regulate online pet sales, including vaccinations before delivery, to the end consumer. However, vaccination of pets, in general, is guided by the Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) and the Indian Veterinary Council. The recognized schedule for pet vaccinations often includes immunizations against rabies, distemper, parvovirus, and other common diseases. Pet owners are strongly advised to ensure that their pets receive these vaccines at appropriate times.

When you purchase a pet online, you should inquire about the pet’s vaccination record and ensure the seller adheres to the AWBI guidelines. It is advisable to consult with a licensed veterinarian immediately upon receiving your pet to verify vaccination status. To cross-check the legitimacy of medical records or to learn more about vaccinations, you can refer to resources like the Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO) or contact your local animal welfare organization. Always remember that as a pet owner, it’s your responsibility to maintain your pet’s health by following the vaccination schedule suggested by your veterinarian.

  • Animal Welfare Board of India:
  • Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO):

“Can you recommend how to safely introduce an online purchased puppy to my existing pets at home

Introducing a new puppy to your existing pets requires patience and careful management to ensure the safety and comfort of all animals involved. Here are some steps to follow for a safe introduction:

  1. Start with Separate Spaces:
    • Before bringing the new puppy home, set up a separate area for them. This could be a room or a crate where they will feel secure and can slowly get accustomed to the smells and sounds of the household.
    • “Gradual introduction is key to preventing overwhelming stress for both the new and existing pets,” as per guidelines from the Pet Authority of India.
  2. Controlled Meet-and-Greets:
    • Organize short, supervised meetings between the new puppy and your existing pets. Keep dogs on leashes and cats or other pets in controlled spaces at first.
    • “Always monitor their body language and behaviors, intervening gently if you notice signs of aggression or fear,” recommends the Indian Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCA). Indian Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
  3. Positive Reinforcement:
    • Encourage positive interactions with treats and praises to create a friendly atmosphere.
    • “Reward calm and non-aggressive behavior promptly to reinforce good relationships among your pets,” states the Federation of Animal Protection Organizations (FAPO). Federation of Animal Protection Organizations

Remember, the process can take time; it’s not unusual for pets to take several weeks to comfortably coexist. Ensure you’re patient and keep a close eye on their interactions until you’re confident they have adjusted well to each other’s presence. If you’re concerned about any aspect of the introduction, consult a local vet or a pet behaviorist for personalized advice.

“I found a breeder online but they’re based in a different city. How do I verify their authenticity without a physical visit

Verifying the authenticity of a pet breeder in a different city in India can be challenging without a physical visit. However, you can still do a thorough background check by following these steps:

  1. Research and Reviews: Start by conducting thorough online research about the breeder. Look for reviews and testimonials on their website, social media profiles, and forums such as Check for any red flags in the feedback provided by previous customers.

  2. Breeder’s Credentials: Confirm that the breeder is registered with the Kennel Club of India (KCI) if they are breeding dogs, or with similar relevant bodies for other pets. You can ask them to provide their registration details and verify these with the organization. The KCI’s website ( is useful for checking if a breeder is recognized.

  3. Health and Vaccination Records: Request detailed health and vaccination records of the pet, which should be up-to-date. A genuine breeder should be able to provide you with comprehensive records, including those of the parents of the pet if applicable.

“Always insist on seeing the pet via a video call, and ask the breeder detailed questions about the pet’s breed, health, behavior, and the living conditions they are kept in”, advises a representative from Pet Practitioners Association of India. Presence on platforms such as “”, where breeders list pets for sale, may add credibility, as breeders on these platforms often have verified profiles.

Remember, communication is key. A genuine breeder will be transparent, knowledgeable, and willing to maintain an open line of communication with you. Avoid breeders who are hesitant to provide detailed information or seem to rush the sale. If too many doubts persist, consider reaching out to local pet lovers’ groups or veterinary clinics in the breeder’s area to ask for references or insights.

“What precautions should I take if someone offers to sell a puppy at a price much lower than the market rate online

When you come across an offer to sell a puppy at a price significantly lower than the market rate online, it is essential to exercise caution to protect both yourself and any potential pets. Here are some important precautions to consider:

  1. Verify the seller’s credibility:
    • Research the seller or breeder extensively. Look for reviews, testimonials, or any online presence that might lend legitimacy to their operation.
    • Request references from previous customers, and if possible, verify these references through direct contact.
  2. Inspect the health and environment of the puppy:
    • Before agreeing to purchase, insist on seeing the puppy in person to assess its health and living conditions.
    • Check for red flags such as lethargy, unclean living conditions, or lack of veterinary documents.
  3. Check for relevant documentation:
    • Ensure the puppy has all necessary vaccinations and ask for veterinary health certificates.
    • Demand official paperwork such as registration with Kennel Club of India or similar pet registration entities.

“Always remember that a deal too good to be true often signals potential fraud or unethical breeding practices. Thus, it is crucial to approach such offers with a healthy dose of skepticism.”

For more information and guidance, consider reaching out to recognized bodies such as the Kennel Club of India and reputable animal welfare organizations like Blue Cross of India, which offer resources for potential pet owners. You can find more about responsible pet purchases and adoptions at their official resources:
– Kennel Club of India:
– Blue Cross of India:

In summary, while finding a good deal on a puppy can be an attractive prospect, prioritizing the well-being of the animal and ensuring you’re dealing with reputable sources is essential. Taking these precautions can help you make a responsible and informed decision when adding a new furry member to your family.

“What should I do if the puppy delivered to me seems different from the pictures and description provided online

If the puppy delivered to you appears different from the online pictures and description you were provided, it’s important to take several steps to address the situation.

Firstly, contact the seller or organization immediately:
Clarify the discrepancy: Inquire specifically about the differences you’ve noticed. Asking for background information on the puppy, such as health records or parentage, can also provide clarity.
Request for rectification: If there has been a mistake, ask the seller for a solution. This might include exchanging the puppy or getting a refund.

Secondly, document everything:
Take photos: Capture clear images of the puppy to compare with the original online description and pictures.
Keep records: Maintain a record of all communications with the seller, including emails, messages, or calls. You’ll need this if you have to escalate the issue.

Lastly, know your rights and seek help if needed:
Consumer rights: Familiarize yourself with your consumer rights concerning pet sales. In India, consumer protection laws might be applicable in case of fraudulent practices.
– For expert advice or to report fraudulent activities, you can turn to local animal welfare organizations or consumer forums. The Animal Welfare Board of India is one public body that may guide you in the right direction. Visit their website for more information: Animal Welfare Board of India.
– If the puppy’s health seems compromised, consult a veterinarian immediately to ensure your new companion receives the care they need. You can find a local vet or contact the Indian Veterinary Association for guidance: Indian Veterinary Association.

Remember, adopt from reputable sources to minimize the risk of such discrepancies. It’s crucial for the puppy’s sake—and your peace of mind—to resolve any issues promptly and responsibly.

Learn today


  1. Online dog buying guide: A comprehensive guide that provides information and tips on how to purchase dogs online, ensuring safety, reliability, and the wellbeing of the pet.

  2. Reputable websites: Websites that have a good reputation and credibility in selling pets. These websites are known to provide quality services and reliable sellers.

  3. Credible platform: An online platform or website that is trustworthy and reliable in facilitating the purchase of dogs. These platforms ensure the authenticity of the listings and promote a positive buyer experience.

  4. Customer reviews: Feedback and opinions provided by previous customers of a website or breeder, giving insights into the reputation and service quality of the platform or seller.

  5. Authentic sellers: Genuine breeders or sellers who provide accurate and detailed information about the dog’s breed, age, health condition, vaccination details, and pedigree certification. These sellers are transparent about their return policies and post-purchase support services.

  6. Return policies: Policies outlined by sellers that specify the terms and conditions for returning a purchased dog, including reasons for return and reimbursement procedures.

  7. Post-purchase support services: Services provided by the seller after the purchase to assist the buyer in taking care of the dog, addressing any concerns or providing guidance on the proper care and wellbeing of the pet.

  8. Payment gateways: Secure online systems or platforms that facilitate the safe transfer of funds between the buyer and the seller during an online transaction.

  9. Health certificates: Documents provided by reliable breeders that certify the good health of the puppy. These certificates may include information about vaccinations, deworming records, and other health-related details.

  10. Deworming records: Documentation that indicates when the puppy was dewormed and provides a record of the treatment given. It ensures that the puppy is free from internal parasites.

  11. Vaccination schedules: A prescribed timeline or plan for administering vaccines to the puppy at specific ages or intervals to prevent diseases and promote good health.

  12. Registration papers: Documents that certify the pedigree and breed of the dog. These papers are often provided by breeders to prove the dog’s lineage and authenticity.

  13. Pet delivery services: Specialized services offered by certain websites to safely transport the puppy from the seller to the buyer’s location. These services prioritize the safety and comfort of the animal during transit.

  14. Health check: A thorough examination conducted by a veterinarian to assess the overall health and wellbeing of the newly arrived pet. It helps identify any undisclosed health concerns and ensures a healthy start for the pet’s life with the owner.

  15. Pet immigration: The process of bringing a pet into a country from another location. It involves complying with the legal and regulatory requirements set by the destination country, including vaccinations, quarantine periods, and documentation.

  16. Import license for pets: A permit or license issued by the government of a country that allows the importation of pets. In India, an import license is required for bringing pets into the country.

  17. Sales tax: A tax imposed on the purchase of goods or services, including the purchase of pets. The rates and regulations for sales tax can vary depending on the state or location.

  18. Legal implications: The legal consequences or obligations associated with owning and potentially relocating with a pet. It includes complying with local laws and regulations related to pet ownership and immigration.

  19. Smooth transition: A seamless and hassle-free process of adapting to a new environment or situation, such as moving with a pet. It involves thorough planning, compliance with legal requirements, and ensuring the wellbeing of the pet during the transition.

  20. Furry friend: A friendly and affectionate term used to refer to a pet, particularly those with fur, such as dogs and cats.

Bark & Learn: Quick Commands

Breed: Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers are known for their intelligence, trainability, and friendly nature. They are energetic and active dogs, so it’s important to teach them basic commands to channel their energy positively. Here are five basic commands to teach a Labrador Retriever:

  1. Sit:
  • Start by holding a treat close to your dog’s nose.
  • Move your hand from the dog’s nose slowly upwards towards the top of its head. As you do this, the dog’s head will naturally tilt back, causing its bottom to lower to the ground.
  • As soon as the dog’s bottom touches the ground, say “Sit” and give the treat immediately.
  • Repeat this process several times until your Labrador Retriever understands the command. Gradually reduce the hand gesture and rely solely on the verbal command.
  1. Stay:
  • Have your Labrador Retriever sit in front of you.
  • Hold your hand up, palm facing the dog, and say “Stay” in a firm but calm voice.
  • Take a step back and wait for a few seconds.
  • If your dog remains in place, say “Yes” or “Good” and reward it with praise and a treat.
  • Gradually increase the distance and the duration of the “Stay” command, but always return to your dog, reward it, and release it from the command.
  1. Down:
  • Start with your Labrador Retriever in a sitting position.
  • Hold a treat close to its nose, and then slowly lower it to the ground while saying “Down.”
  • As the dog follows the treat, its body will naturally lower to the ground. Once it is in a down position, say “Yes” or “Good” and reward it with the treat.
  • Repeat this process and gradually phase out the treat so that your dog responds to the verbal command alone.
  1. Come:
  • Kneel down or squat and open your arms wide while saying “Come” in an encouraging tone.
  • Use a happy, excited voice to invite your Labrador Retriever to come towards you.
  • When your dog starts coming towards you, say “Yes” or “Good” and reward it with praise or a treat.
  • Practice this command in different environments and gradually increase the distance between you and your dog.
  1. Leave It:
  • Hold a treat in your closed fist.
  • Present your fist to your Labrador Retriever, and when it sniffs, licks, or paws at your hand, say “Leave it” in a firm tone.
  • Wait for a few seconds until your dog stops trying to get the treat from your hand, and then say “Yes” or “Good” and reward it with a different treat from the other hand.
  • Repeat this process, gradually increasing the difficulty by opening your hand slightly or placing the treat on the ground, until your dog understands that it should not touch things when commanded to “Leave it.”

Remember, consistency and positive reinforcement are key when training any dog. Keep training sessions short, fun, and rewarding for your Labrador Retriever. Also, make sure to practice these commands regularly in different environments to reinforce their learning.

So there you have it, folks! Buying dogs online in India can be a convenient and exciting experience. Just remember to do your research, engage with sellers, ensure secure transactions, and insist on proper documentation. Don’t forget to check out for more in-depth information and tips on buying and caring for your furry friends. Happy pet shopping!

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Last Update: January 15, 2024